{"result":{"rows":{"accessibilityLinkOn":"Yes","accessibilityLink":"https://ogeintegrity.box.com/s/xj0xuuf4sujjkfzzkwink3imok4b0bcv","securityLinkOn":"Yes","privacyLink":"https://ogeintegrity.box.com/s/evmo0gazl4vdcie1kvixpyo31nadx60f","learnLinkOn":"Yes","homeLink":"/","homeLinkOn":"Yes","hideLoginOn":"No","carouselHtml2":"<h2>Report Filing Deadlines</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>New entrant: 30 days after start date</li><li>Annual: May 15th</li>\n<li>Termination: 30 days after separation</li><li>Periodic Transaction: the earlier of 45 days after the transaction or 30 days after receiving notice of the transaction</li>\n</ul>\n<p class=\"hide\"><a href=\"#\">Learn more</a></p>","maintenanceNoticeHtml":"<p>Server Status: <b>Normal.</b></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>New User Resources (link above) are kept on Box.com, a FedRAMP moderate approved cloud based file sharing platform.  If users receive a Box pop-up, they are not required to Login or Create an account and can simply click the “X” and close the pop-up.</p>\n<p>The site may perform better if you clear your Internet browser cache. <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache>Read how here.</a><p>\n<p><a href=\"#\" target=\"browser-test-modal\">Click here to check whether your Internet browser works with Integrity.</a></p>\n<p>NOTE: Integrity restarts weekly on Mondays from 3 to 3:15 am ET. Please log off and save your work before this time. In addition, users may experience intermittent login issues Sundays from 2 to 8 am ET during the Integrity authentication provider's weekly maintenance window, and Sunday evenings from 5 pm to 3 am ET Monday mornings, during the Integrity hosting provider's weekly maintenance window.</p>\n<p>Integrity Help Desk hours 8:00am – 4:30pm Mon-Fri</p>\n<p>Please report issues to the Integrity Help Desk <a href=mailto:integrity@oge.gov target=\"_top\">integrity@oge.gov</a></p>\n<p>Click on the Help link at the bottom of the screen for login assistance information.</p>\n\n","learnLink":"https://ogeintegrity.box.com/s/t7bocrl5kgkv5oikq7q1abqhrskwi934","securityLink":"https://ogeintegrity.box.com/s/r5gpnx6l1bxl3ud9k1pjzac84xyxf6fq","carouselHtml3":"<p>Contact your agency ethics official to request a filing extension or for more information about using Integrity.</p>\n<p class=\"hide\"><a href=\"#\">Learn more</a></p>","registerHtml":"<b>Not registered in <em>Integrity?</em> Contact your agency ethics official if you are not registered in <em>Integrity.</em><b>","registerHtmlOn":"Yes","carouselHtml1":"<p><em>Integrity</em> is the U.S. Office of Government Ethics system for electronically filing and reviewing Public Financial Disclosures (OGE Form 278e and OGE Form 278-T).</p>\n<p class=\"hide\"><a href=\"#\">Learn more</a>\n<p>OGE’s online <a href=\"https://www.oge.gov/Web/278eGuide.nsf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Public Financial Disclosure Guide</a> is an interactive tool to assist individuals who file or review public financial disclosure reports (OGE Form 278e or OGE Form 278-T).</a></p>","helpLinkOn":"Yes","maintenanceNoticeOn":"Yes","privacyLinkOn":"Yes","helpLink":"https://ogeintegrity.box.com/s/5jn6deqed5lygksiy2rsajd211g4tife"}}}